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Military Rape Helpline


Military rape is something that unfortunately has been going on and it's something that RDF has expose in the past.  This is the military safe helpline link fir cousneling and resources.

We Are Here For You!


Feel free to connect with us if you would like to be a guest on RDF radio program. 

Or if you are a resource for survivors and would like to be linked on our page.


Thank You!

These are some of the commonly used and nationally recognized helplines and resources that we gathered for you or your loved one.

Much luck in your journey.

RAINN helpline


Raoe and Incest National Network helpline.​

This is national recognized confidential helpline.

If in need of counseling and resources this is a great resource to connect with.

Domestic Violence Hotline


This is the national and confidential Domestic Violence hotline . If you are in need of counseling and referrals this is an excellent place to start.

Male Rape Survivor Resources 


In over 2 decades of working with rape Survivors. It really has been a challenge to find resources for for them.  It is still taboo!


 My intention is that the more we openly talk about this and male survivors feel safe to speak out The more chances of getting support and resources for Male Survivors.


If you know of any services or organizations please let me know at : Thank You.







A Place for Grayce Holistic Counseling and referrals 


A place for Grayce is a holistic approach to working through trauma of sexual, physical emotional and menatl abuse.and for anyone that has been struggliing to live a full thriving life!

My philosphy is a simple one and that is..that we are mind, body and Spirit. When we are stuck in our lives from trauma or disharmony. These issues will manifest in may forms such as depression,anxiety, addictions, illness,unhealthy relationships, low self esteem, unclarity and even finances.

APFG iutilzes traditional talk therapy along with alterantive healing mudalities. Such as body movememnt,Dance Healing Arts, Yoga , Meditation,Nutrition, Writing and the encouragement that YOU have all the tools to reclaim your divine right o live a jod purposeful thriving life!! All I am here is to do is to remind you and assist you in your journey. You have and alwys will have the power to create a beautiful life!!!

Email me at


Here is the Male Rape Survivor Resource link. This link has all the hotlines and Centers in one page For the United States, Canada and Europe.



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